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Wellness Exam and Preventative Care

Taking care of your pet’s health starts at Ross Hospital for Animals. With a thorough and comprehensive veterinary exam, we can help maintain the health of your pet. The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends a wellness visit every six months. This is due to the fact that illness can develop quickly, and you may not notice anything is troubling your pet. Ross Hospital for Animals recommends at minimum a once a year wellness exam for all species. Our team will evaluate your pet and will perform regular diagnostic testing to discover any underlying issues as well.
Upon a wellness exam, your pet can expect:

  • Physical exam, including eyes, ears, nose, and mouth
  • Fecal exam to check for intestinal parasites
  • Annual Vaccinations recommendations
  • Annual Bloodwork recommendations
  • Heartworm and Flea/Tick preventative recommendations

Finally, wellness examinations help us establish a relationship with you and your pet. Through your pet’s physical examinations, other wellness procedures, and our consultations with you, we get to know your pet and learn about his or her lifestyle, personality, health risks, home environment, and other important information.


Protecting your pet is our primary goal, so developing an appropriate vaccine schedule for your pet is important to us. At Ross Hospital for Animals, our doctors and staff members are well-educated about veterinary vaccines, and our goal is to give you the best advice for keeping your pet protected.

Pet vaccinations are either core or noncore. Core refers to those that we highly recommend for all pets, while non-core are those that are only recommended for pets at risk. With all our vaccines, we follow the American Animal Hospital guidelines.

Even pets who live primarily indoors should be vaccinated, as they can still be exposed to a disease. Based on age, health, and lifestyle we can advise on the best protocol for your pet. For more information schedule an appointment, call us at 248-652-2050.

Dietary Counseling

Ross Hospital for Animals can guide your pet’s nutritional needs for each life stage, including dietary requirements for healthy growth, weight maintenance, and performance.

Behavioral Counseling

We can advise the best course of action to correct problems such as excessive barking, chewing, spraying, scratching, separation anxiety, and aggression. These appointments can take longer than our regular exams as the veterinarian will want to spend time with you and your pet to assess the situation best and make recommendations that will best address your pet’s concerns. Behavioral appointments are best scheduled by calling our office and speaking to our front staff.

Microchip Pet Identification

According to the Shelter Animals Count National Database, shows nationally, over 3 million pets have gone to local shelters. In Michigan alone, the data shows 1,603 pets dropped off at shelters.

So, how do we keep them safe? With a Microchip and registration!

Microchipping is the only form of permanent identification that cannot fall off or become illegible to read (tattoos). When used as part of standard veterinary care, it gives pets the best chance of being reunited with their owners when lost.

Please schedule an appointment to microchip your pet; we can microchip ferrets, rabbits, birds, and other companion animals, too!